Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ready, set, Capstone!!!

Well, well, well here I am: a second semester junior and embarking on my Capstone, my senior course comprised of a senior project of my choice and all the elements I have learned thus far in broadcasting. It’s going to be quite a ride, especially with blogging being a huge part of this course. At first, starting a blog seemed very unfamiliar and, quite frankly, scared me. I really had no clue what to post. However, after reviewing a few of the blog sites my capstone professor sent our class, I felt more at ease. One of the blogs that particularly caught my interest was that of my friend and fellow BC major, Chris. I chose his, simply because both he and I are big sports fans and I was more than envious when he secured an internship with the Cleveland Indians. While reviewing his blog site, I noticed how much Chris had posted. Pictures, videos, websites, it was overwhelming. I am by no means technologically savvy; however, I try. I really do. I quickly though, “How am I going to be able to do this?!” Then it hit me. I knew I could always ask for help; there’s no shame in doing that. Looking over Chris’ page more put me more at ease. Everything was very orderly and made sense. His blogs gave me a great deal of insight as to what I should make mine look like. As for the Capstone course as a whole, I’m anxious. I’m coming to grips with this is the beginning of the final stage of being a BC major. I’ve pretty much always enjoyed my work as a BC major, now I get to use it all. I await the challenges that are ahead of me, such as timed assignments, extreme deadlines, and blogging every week about something different, with much excitement and anxiety. It’s really weird thinking that in a very short time I’ll be job searching. It’s intimidating in a way, since I still feel like I just graduated from high school. It’s true what they say: time flies when you’re having fun. These years I’ve had a Westminster as a BC major have been the best so far. I think delving into Capstone and really discovering what kind of a career I wish to pursue will be exciting, as well as difficult. I’ve really never been afraid of challenges, so why should I fear this one? Speaking of figuring out what I want to do with my life, I believe I’m pretty close to finding the answer. I’m glad being a broadcasting student has helped me decide what I may want and what I definitely DO NOT want. I know I don’t want to be on-air. Actually now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t want to be involved with behind the scenes production either. I’m looking towards the marketing/advertising side of broadcasting. I’d like to see how I’d do with marketing/advertising at a TV station. I may get a taste of that if I get a marketing internship with KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh. On the other hand, I’m thinking something kind of off the wall. As I mentioned earlier, I really enjoy sports. I recently though about becoming an athletic director. High school or college, it doesn’t really matter to me. I would enjoy working to promote athletics in either setting, while still working along side athletes. My path isn’t blazed yet, and I intend to keep it that way for a while. I’m going to take this semester with Capstone and my other courses to see where the wind blows me. I would really be happy doing either of those things and if I have to start small, then so be it! We all have to start somewhere. Me, I’ll be starting the process in Capstone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It works!!!! Congratulations in setting up your blog!!!